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Butler, Manitoba

May 28, 2010


(Click on the map for a full-sized version, or on the link above for a more detailed pdf.)

This is a drawing of the registered plan for Butler, Manitoba. If you were to go to the site of this drawing, either physically or on Google Earth, you would find nothing there now, except for the roads and the rail line, which appear to be still in use.

This drawing was created using ESRI’s ArcEditor, with orthophoto from the Manitoba Land Initiatives website as background.

From → Manitoba maps

  1. Gerald Naylen permalink

    Interesting. How does it fit in to your website?

    • Hi Gerald,
      That drawing of Butler, Manitoba was created while I was working on a database for the Manitoba government, interpreting survey plans and using ArcEditor to re-draw them digitally. It was a course requirement to complete a co-op work assignment; I spent the summer of 2009 at Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs.


      • Gerald Naylen permalink

        Hi Alanna:
        I did not notice your reply before.
        I was interested because I was born and raised in Butler. I went to the one room school for grades 1 to 8.
        You must have had an interesting summer.
        I note you spent time in Tanzania. My son spent a year in Zimbabwe.

  2. Yes, it was a very interesting summer, and interesting to hear from someone who lived in this little town that I had such fun drawing! Actually, I’ve never set foot in Tanzania; my partner on the ground in Tanzania collected the data necessary for some of the maps on this blog. It would be wonderful to go there someday though.

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